The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, R.C.I.A., is the process of welcoming new members to the Catholic Church. Supported by the prayers and friendship of our community. New candidates prepare to receive the sacraments of initiation, Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist.
Who is R.C.I.A. for:
- Unbaptized people seeking Catholicism.
- Non-Catholic Baptized individuals.
- Catholics who are Baptized but have not yet received First Communion or Confirmation.
If you would like to participate in catechetical instruction in preparation for being received into the Catholic Church, or if you would like to learn more about the Catholic faith, we encourage you to contact Joanne Ryan for more information.
For more information or to learn more:
Please contact us below or call Joanne Ryan at (203) 373-0405.