Lectors are responsible for announcements at the start of Mass, the first and second readings during the Liturgy of the Word, and prayers of the faithful.
We provide a schedule in advance, but occasionally ask lectors to cover Masses when there is a need, especially on Feast Days, Holy Days, Sacraments, or when a lector is unable to serve. We are blessed to have many devoted Lectors, and welcome new members to this ministry.
Lectors commit to ongoing faith formation and training activities that prepare them for the calling to the ministry.
Some members are also trained and approved to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Lectors serving in the capacity of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are required to show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner in which they handle the consecrated bread or wine.
For more information or to volunteer to be a lector:
Please contact us below or call the parish office at (203) 261-3676.