The Mother Church of Trumbull

Healthcare Ministry

We provide outreach, visiting those in the hospital, home-bound, or in assisted living.

Some members of our Healthcare Ministry are also trained and approved to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. They are required to show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner in which they handle the consecrated host.

The Priests of the parish regularly visit St. Vincent Hospital and Bridgeport Hospital. Please be sure to specify that you are a member of St. Theresa Parish when you are admitted so that your name will appear in the proper place in the hospital’s clergy record.

Please call the rectory if you know of someone who is unable to come to church and would like a visit from a member of our Health Care Ministry team. This can include those who are home-bound, as well as those in a hospital or nursing home. Due to privacy laws, health care facilities are no longer permitted to notify a church when a parishioner is admitted.

For more information or to volunteer for the Healthcare Ministry:
Please contact us below or call Lori Emmanolidis at (203) 261-3676.