Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a ministry of faithful workers who serve St. Theresa Church with reverence, devotion, and attention to detail. Our members donate their time to diligently wash, iron, and make small repairs to the altar linens that the Priest uses during Holy Mass. As each is ironing every purificator, corporal, or towel she is praying for not only the Priest using the linens, but for the parish as well.
Flowers on the altar are ordered and arranged for special liturgies, and make St. Theresa Church even more beautiful.
Their work is “invisible” usually bringing no glory to those who do it. Precisely for that reason, it is also a ministry of witness, to our Lord’s own humble and loving service to others.
We thank Clarissa Cincotta, Tina Colaco, Lori Emmanoulidis, Pat Grosso, & Anne Paolini.