5301 MAIN STREET TRUMBULL CT (203)261-3676 Saint Theresa Parish was originally created on October 4, 1934 by Bishop Maurice F. McAuliffe of Hartford. Aware of the spiritual needs of the people of Trumbull, the Bishop made Saint Theresa’s the first Catholic Church in Trumbull, and dedicated it in honor of Saint Theresa, the Little Flower [...]
Adult Funeral Servers
Adult Funeral Servers Adults who are formed in the Ministry of Adult Altar Serving offer support not only with serving the Funeral Mass and the rituals of the funeral liturgy but also through their prayerful presence during the liturgical celebration. Adult Servers need to have flexible schedules so they can be available as needed. They rarely receive more than […]
Altar Guild
Altar Guild The Altar Guild is a ministry of faithful workers who serve St. Theresa Church with reverence, devotion, and attention to detail. Our members donate their time to diligently wash, iron, and make small repairs to the altar linens that the Priest uses during Holy Mass. As each is ironing every purificator, corporal, or […]
Altar Servers
Altar Servers Altar Servers should be mature enough to understand their responsibilities and to carry them out well and with appropriate reverence. They should have already received Holy Communion for the first time and normally receive the Eucharist whenever they participate in the liturgy. Our servers are required to receive proper formation before they begin to […]
SACRAMENT OF ANOINTINGFor Emergency Last RitesPLEASE CALL203-268-0489 If someone you know is seriously ill, is about to undergo surgery, or their health is failing, please contact a Priest to have them receive the Sacrament of Anointing. The Priests of the parish regularly visit St. Vincent Hospital and Bridgeport Hospital. Please be sure to specify that [...]
Bereavement Ministry
Bereavement Ministry Our Bereavement Ministry conducts a bereavement program entitled New Day A Journey from Grief to Healing. There are two, six to nine week sessions: one in the Fall and a second session in the Spring. New Day was designed to assist those who are bereaved due to a loss of a loved one. Everyone experiences a […]
Boy Scouts
BSA Troop 68 Troop 68 runs a twelve-month scouting program. The troop meets weekly to develop the skills they will take into the outdoors. Those meetings contain sections devoted to planning, administration, skill development and physical activity. They also serve to give the boys the opportunity to develop leadership skills. New Members are always welcome. Membership […]
Catechists Our Religious Education Program at St. Theresa, could not survive without the dedicated volunteers who have heard God’s call to spread the Good News to others. The most valuable gift we give our children is faith and love of Jesus. Our group is comprised of Catechists, Substitute Catechists (adults only), Catechist Aides (adults and […]
Children’s Choir
Children’s Choir We have a thriving Children’s Choir at St. Theresa’s. All children in Grades 3 to 8 are welcome to join, and we have members from schools across the Trumbull area. Led by Alex Hodgkinson (Director of Music) and Ava Wing (Senior Cantor), the children get expert tuition, all free of charge. They sing […]
First Holy Communion Students must attend Religious Education classes for two consecutive years prior to receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Please Note: To receive the Sacraments in a timely manner with their peers, all students must be continually enrolled in a Catholic School or Religious Education Program since first grade. NEW FAMILIES Please register [...]
Contact St. Theresa Church5301 MAIN STREET TRUMBULL CT 06611 (203) 261-3676 CONTACT INFORMATION Rectory Office (203)261-3676Religious Education (203)261-4706Parish Nurse Office (203)209-6705Trustee Anthony SalceTrustee Donald EpifanoFinance Chair Jack TalleyD.R.E. Erica RileyDirector of Music Alex Hodgkinson CLERGY Rev. Brian P. Gannon, S.T.D., PastorRev. Flavian Bejan, Parochial Vicar Rev. David C. Leopold In Residence Deacon Jerry Lambert OFFICE HOURS [...]
Daughters of Mary Prayer Study • Endow
Daughters of Mary Women’s Prayer Study – Join the Daughters of Mary new prayer study Endow based on Pope Emeritus Benedict’s encyclical, “God is Love”. Endow is designed to provide women with the opportunities, knowledge, courage and support to be the best image of themselves in the image and likeness of God. The Endow program […]
Parishioners and visitors may join us Monday-Friday 7:30am & Saturday 4:00pm, Rosary & Legion of Mary prayers Monday 4:30pm, Prayer to St. Anne & Rosary for the intentions of our children & grandchildren Monday after 5:30pm Mass, Novena to St. Theresa of Lisieux with veneration of her relics Friday after 5:30pm Mass, The Divine Mercy Chaplet [...]
Divine Mercy Ministry
Chaplet of Divine Mercy Ministry Prayed on ordinary Rosary beads, The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is an intercessory prayer that extends the offering of the Eucharist, so it is especially appropriate to recite it after having received Holy Communion at Holy Mass. It is likewise appropriate to pray the Chaplet during the “Hour of Great […]
Everyday Fiat
Everyday Fiat Everyday Fiat a group of women coming together to guide and inspire each other in a quest toward a deeper relationship with God. We embrace our mother Mary’s fiat as we, too, say “yes” to God’s call. We will encourage each other’s spiritual growth through prayer and study. We will learn from one […]
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion The ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are the Priests and Deacon. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (sometimes referred to as Eucharistic Ministers) may be appointed for situations of genuine pastoral need to facilitate the distribution of Holy Communion within Mass when there is a large number of communicants; to allow for a […]
{{ vc_btn: title=NOTES+FROM+THE+PASTOR%27S+DESK&style=outline&shape=square&color=mulled-wine&size=lg&align=left&link=url%3Ahttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.sttheresatrumbull.org%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2020%252F06%252FPASTORS-DESK-2.pdf%7C%7C%7C }}
Dear Parishioners: Bishop Caggiano has asked each parish in the diocese to post the most recent budgetary numbers in order facilitate important transparency as of Sunday, December 3, 2023. Below please find the diocesan template filled out for our parish up through June 30th, 2023. As with any summary, questions undoubtedly occur and some information […]
First Saturday Devotion
First Saturday Devotion First Saturday Devotion at St. Theresa Church immediately follows the Saturday 8:00am Mass. It includes the Rosary, Litany of Loreto, Fatima Consecration and 15 minutes of meditation every First Saturday monthly. The pious practice of honoring the Blessed Mother on Saturday is an ancient custom, derived from the tradition that Jesus appeared to her […]
CONTACT FORMPlease use the form below to contact us.First Name Last Name Telephone Number Email Message
Healthcare Ministry
Healthcare Ministry We provide outreach, visiting those in the hospital, home-bound, or in assisted living. Some members of our Healthcare Ministry are also trained and approved to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. They are required to show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner […]
Holy Orders Are you discerning the Priesthood? Contact the Office of Vocations for the Diocese of Bridgeport. Fr. John Connaughton, Director of Vocations. www.bridgeportvocations.org (203)322-5331 vocations@diobpt.org.
Knights of Columbus Council 8013
Knights of Columbus Council #8013 The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal benefit society. The Order is true to its founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity. The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. […]
Ladies Confraternity
Ladies Confraternity The Ladies Confraternity is a group of women who generously volunteer their time and talent for special functions at St. Theresa Church. They organize a number of fundraisers throughout the year including bake sales, craft sales, and annual church raffles. They also prepare and serve meals on occasion, for church gatherings and meetings. […]
Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic
Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic The Lay Dominicans of St. Dominic (Third Order) has found a home in Fairfield County here at St. Theresa’s Church. They have been thriving. Named “Our Lady of Fatima,” they are currently under the St. Mary’s, New Haven chapter for its spiritual guidance. Members of the Lay Dominicans are lay […]
Lectors Lectors are responsible for announcements at the start of Mass, the first and second readings during the Liturgy of the Word, and prayers of the faithful. We provide a schedule in advance, but occasionally ask lectors to cover Masses when there is a need, especially on Feast Days, Holy Days, Sacraments, or when a […]
Legion of Mary
Legion of Mary The Legion of Mary is a world-wide organization that does apostolic work which includes visiting the residents and praying the Rosary at the nursing homes. Our group leads the Legion of Mary prayers and Rosary 30 minutes before daily mass Monday through Saturday. We invite all parishioners and visitors to join us. […]
Livestream LIVESTREAM MASS MON- FRI 8:00AM & 5:30PM • SAT 8:00AM • SAT VIGIL 4:30PM • SUN 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00PM USCCB Daily ReadingsWednesday of the Twenty-third Week in Ordinary Time September 11, 2024Reading 1 1 Cor 7:25-31 Brothers and sisters:In regard to virgins, I have no commandment from the Lord,but I give my [...]
Donating a Mass, candle offering, sanctuary arrangement, or enrollment in the Book of Remembrance is a thoughtful tribute to honor the memory of loved one, or commemorate a special occasion. Please our Parish Office. Please Note: Each year, it is moving to see so many people come to the Rectory office to schedule Mass intentions for their loved […]
Ministry Directory
Directory of Ministries Click on the ministries below to learn more. Community Prayer Service Liturgical Music Spiritual MINISTRIES SCHEDULE Monday 7:30am Weekly Legion of Mary (Prayers & Rosary) Church > Mass 1:30pm Weekly Prayer Shawl Ministry Parish Center, Upper Level 3:30pm Weekly Legion of Mary Parish Center Tuesday 7:30am Weekly Legion of Mary (Prayers & […]
Music Ministry
Music Ministry Cantate Domino, canticum novum,Cantate et benedicite nomini ejus,(Ps. 97) Sacred music illuminates and enriches the liturgy, drawing the faithful ever closer to Almighty God, reverently and joyfully. As well as serving the congregation, the Music Ministry at St. Theresa’s provides an opportunity for people of all ages to glorify God by developing and […]
Nursing Home & Pastoral Care
Nursing Home & Pastoral Care The Nursing Home and Pastoral Care Ministry helps ensure that our brothers and sisters in Assisted Living & Senior Living Communities have the Eucharist at the center of their lives, within their community. Please call the rectory if you know of someone who is unable to come to church and […]
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Our Lady of Fatima Chapel Contact Dr. Amy Nepomuceno On October 1, 2017 Our Lady of Fatima Chapel for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration opened. Hundreds of faithful parishioners of St. Theresa Church in Trumbull, visitors from the Diocese of Bridgeport and beyond attended the dedication Mass. All are welcome to visit 24 hours [...]
Parish Choir and Quartet
Parish Choir The Parish Choir is a dedicated and friendly group comprised of adult and young adult singers. The choir sings at the Solemn Mass on Sundays, singing the Mass Ordinary, plainsong propers, and a communion motet, as well as leading the congregational hymns and responsories. We warmly welcome new volunteer members. There is no […]
{{ vc_btn: title=PARISH+GUIDELINES&style=outline&shape=square&color=white&align=center&link=url%3Ahttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.sttheresatrumbull.org%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2020%252F06%252FADORATION-GUIDELINES-2.pdf%7C%7C%7C&css=.vc_custom_1594299714735%7Bmargin-top%3A+-20px+%21important%3Bborder-radius%3A+10px+%21important%3B%7D }}24 HOUR PERPETUAL ADORATION HAS RETURNED TO THE CHAPELMASS TIMES SHOWN ARE IN PERSON AND VIA LIVESTREAMMON-FRI 8AM & 5:30PM • SAT 8AM AND VIGIL MASS 4:30PM• SUN 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM &. 12 NOONPLEASE ADHERE TO ALL CDC RECOMMENDATIONS Parishioners at St. Theresa Church have always treasured Eucharistic Adoration. Shown here, our [...]
REGISTER FOR EUCHARISTIC ADORATIONRegister for a weekly holy hour belowFirst Name Last Name Telephone Number MobileLandlineStreet Address City State Zip Code Email My Current Parish Day SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayHour 12:00 - 1:001:00 - 2:002:00 - 3:003:00-4:004:00 - 5:005:00 - 6:006:00 - 7:007:00 - 8:008:00 - 9:009:00 - 10:0010:00 - 11:0011:00 - 12:00 AMPM
Prayer Line
Prayer Line Our Prayer Line is comprised of individuals dedicated to praying for the intentions of others. This network of members makes a generous gift of prayer regularly. Let our discreet ministry team add our voices to yours as you present your petitions and thanksgiving to our merciful and loving God. In your request for […]
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry A quiet but powerful group has been operating at St. Theresa Church for over a decade. Called the Prayer Shawl Ministry, they provide knit or crocheted shawls and lap robes to those afflicted with a physical ailment, health crisis, or others in need of God’s loving embrace. Since inception, over one thousand […]
Pro-Life Ministry
Pro-Life Ministry The St. Theresa Pro-Life Group is dedicated to the protection of all human life from conception to natural death through prayer, education and Catholic action. The St. Theresa Pro-Life Group consists of Catholic women and men who are committed to praying, sacrificing and working for the greater respect for all human life. All […]
RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, R.C.I.A., is the process of welcoming new members to the Catholic Church. Supported by the prayers and friendship of our community. New candidates prepare to receive the sacraments of initiation, Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. Who is R.C.I.A. for: If you would like to participate in catechetical […]
Religious Education Dear Families: Welcome to St. Theresa Religious Education Program. St. Theresa Parish offers an outstanding religious education program to help parents fulfill their promise at their child’s baptism: to educate them in the faith. All classes for grades K – 9 will be held in St. Theresa School. Please see the registration form [...]
Sacrament of Baptism Congratulations as you prepare for your child’s Baptism! Baptisms are held on Sundays at 1:00pm by appointment. Parents are required to attend a pre-Baptism class given by one of the parish Priests. Classes are offered on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:00am. Please contact the Parish Office to register in [...]
Sacrament of Confirmation The Sacrament of Confirmation will take place after students have completed all Catechesis through 6th grade. Grade 7, 8, & 9 are Confirmation preparation years. Note: To receive the Sacraments in a timely manner with their peers, all students must be continually enrolled in a Catholic School or Religious Education Program since [...]
Sacrament of Matrimony Thoughtful, prayerful planning, and participation in your Catholic wedding will bring many blessings to your married life. Beginning early work with the parish makes good practical sense. It will help you develop a relationship with the community that shares your faith, and wants to support you in the sacrament you are about [...]
First Reconciliation Students must attend Religious Education classes for two consecutive years prior to receiving the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. Please Note: To receive the Sacraments in a timely manner with their peers, all students must be continually enrolled in a Catholic School or Religious Education Program since first grade. NEW FAMILIES Please register in [...]
SACRAMENTAL RECORD REQUESTPlease submit your record requestFirst Name Last Name Telephone Number Email Street Address City State Zip Code Recipient's First Name Recipient's Last Name Date of Birth Relationship To Recipient SelfParent/GuardianRecord(s) Requested BaptismFirst ReconciliationFirst Holy CommunionConfirmationMatrimony
Sacraments BAPTISM FIRST RECONCILIATION FIRST HOLY COMMUNION CONFIRMATION MATRIMONY HOLY ORDERS ANOINTING To receive sacraments in a timely manner with their peers, all students are required to be continually enrolled in a Catholic school or religious education program since first grade. NEW FAMILIES - Please register first with our Parish Office. Once registered please contact [...]
24 Hour Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in the ChapelWE LIVESTREAM EVERY MASS MONDAY-FRIDAY 8AM & 5:30PM • SATURDAY 8AM-& VIGIL 4:30PM • SUNDAY 7:30AM, 9AM, 10:30AM, 12PM
Senior Club
Senior Club St. Theresa Senior Club is an energetic group, consistently displaying camaraderie as we join in activities of common interest. It is a group of men and women who have time to share their faith, expertise, and interests with friends. The club was organized in 1975 to promote the understanding and good fellowship among […]
Follow us on Social Media @SaintTheresaCT (Facebook LIVE & YouTube) Download our Parish Bulletin
Social Outreach Ministry
Social Outreach Social Outreach is a merciful ministry offering compassion to parishioners who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Hand written cards are sent, assuring those grieving of our solidarity, consolation, and ongoing prayers during difficult times. For more information or to volunteer to be part of the Social Ministry Outreach:Please contact us […]
Sons of Saint Joseph
Sons of Saint Joseph The Sons of Saint Joseph is an active men’s ministry of the parish of St. Theresa Roman Catholic Church in Trumbull, CT founded in 2011. Today we count over 120 men in our local area as members. Our work is primarily on our own spiritual growth with the ultimate goal of […]
St. Matthew’s Guild
St. Matthew’s Guild Our dedicated members of St. Matthew’s Guild meet weekly. For more information:Please contact us below or call the parish office at (203) 261-3676.
Stay Youth Ministry
Stay Youth Ministry Founded in 2018, St. Theresa Church received a grant and LifeTeen subscription, allowing formation of our new Youth Ministry. Our focus, was to launch a new ministry designed to meet the needs of teens. Early projects included “Box of Joy,” which led to making blankets for the poor. Momentum grew when our […]
The Church Organs
St. Theresa’s is blessed to have two fine organs: a three-manual Peragallo in the French Romantic style at the liturgical east end, and a two-manual mechanical action organ by Roche in the Choir Loft. The Peragallo Organ The Peragallo organ is of three manual and pedals, containing 38 ranks of pipework with a total of […]
The Thomas Merton Center
The Thomas Merton Center The Ministry has been active for many years. Our goal is to fulfill Our Lord’s mandate to feed the hungry. We are blessed to serve our brothers and sisters by practicing this Corporal Work of Mercy.We are staffed by a coordinator and a group of core volunteers, and are funded by […]
The Trumbull Interfaith Counsil
The Trumbull Interfaith Counsil The purpose of The Trumbull Interfaith Council is to promote understanding, respect and cooperation between the various religious traditions serving the community in Trumbull. The group encourages all faiths that hold services in town on a regular basis to participate in the organization. We are part of a local, non-sectarian coordinating […]
Traveling Statue of the Blessed Mother
Traveling Statue of the Blessed Mother One of the works of our Legion of Mary group is carried out with the Ministry of The Traveling Statue of the Blessed Mother. We deliver the Blessed Mother statue to the homes of people who request it to encourage families to pray together. For more information or to […]
UPCOMING EVENTS ARE SHOWN BELOW St. Theresa Church is always looking for volunteers and any help for all our events. Please take a look at our upcoming events to gain more information about when and where you can attend the event or how you can help.
Ushers Our Ushers faithfully perform their duties for our parishioners and guests during the weekend Masses and on Holy Days of Obligation. They are on hand to assist attendees, especially those who may not be familiar with St. Theresa Church. In addition to the customary task of passing out the collection baskets during Mass, our […]
Vacation Bible Camp Registration 2024 Diocesan Consent and Release 2024 Vacation Bible Camp Adult Volunteer Form 2024 Vacation Bible Camp Teen Volunteer Form 2024
Contact our Virtus Coordinator Every volunteer over the age of 18 is required by the Diocese of Bridgeport to have a background check and register in a training program, “Protecting God’s Children.” Volunteers may sign up for the class (at no charge) through online registration. The class is approximately 3 hours and may be taken at [...]
Wedding Coordinators
Wedding Coordinators Our Church Wedding Coordinators make sure that everything runs smoothly in the Church with the bride, groom, their families, the Priests, musicians, photographer, florist and limousine drivers. They make sure the wedding runs efficiently, with as little stress on the bride and groom as possible. Church Wedding Coordinators have initial contact with the […]
Young Adults Group
Young Adults Group St. Theresa Young Adults Group and Ministry is a group of men and women, ages 20’s-30’s who are devoted to fostering an environment to grow in their Catholic Faith, Fellowship, Scripture, Community Outreach, and Putting faith into action. Events include Bible Study, volunteer opportunities, and social gatherings. We are serving Young Adult […]